"The House of Romance"
North Park Pioneer Reunion
Annually, the North Park Pioneer reunion is held the fourth weekend in June. Hundreds of people with roots to North Park come together to celebrate their heritage and honor a pioneer of North Park. The family recognized as the "Pioneer Family of the Year" is chosen by the association membership and honored at the Annual Luncheon held in the "Old Gym."
The "Family of the Year" for 2021 is the ______ Family. Our theme for the reunion will be determined this spring. Join us for our coffee social, luncheon and auction a we recognize this years family on Saturday, June 25, 2021. The parade that will carry the honoree will be taking place on Sunday, June 27th in conjunction with the North Park Never Summer Rodeo. Our honored family will be invited to be participate in the rodeo entry and parade. This exciting event is held in conjunction with the North Park Never Summer Rodeo. More details on the rodeo event and festivities can be found at www.northparkneversummerrodeo.com.
Click here to make your reservation online.

Coffee & Social Hour
The Pioneer Reunion kicks off each year with a coffee reception and social hour in the cafeteria in the school. A display of pictures and memorabilia of the family being honored is shared with attendees. Guests share stories and reminisce of the years gone by while enjoying refreshments provided by the Jackson County 4h Council. The Coffee and Social reception begin at 8:00 AM on June 25th, 2021.

Pioneer Reunion
The descendants of the pioneer families come together annually to celebrate their roots in North Park at the annual association dinner and Pioneer Reunion. Class reunions join together from each decade in celebratory fashion, along with the Pioneer Family of the Year. A catered meal is provided as part of the registration fee and feeds up to 400 people yearly. A silent auction gives the Pioneer Association the opportunity to raise money to support the reunion and museum programing. Donations come in from local businesses and artists that often showcase the many talents of North Parkers. Many pioneers enjoy the Saturday festivities, then stay for the North Park Never Summer Rodeo events on Saturday and Sunday. The parade takes place on Sunday and honors the Pioneer family and Class Reunion attendees. For more information go to: www.npneversummerrodeo.com

Pioneer Family of the Year
Anderson/McGrew family 2014
Hines/Bradley family 2015
Manville family 2016
Richards Family 2017
Coyte/Meyring Family 2018
Fuller Family 2019